CF2680 WOD 011217Warm Up15 Push Ups15 Jump Squats with Bar Touch15 Burpees BARBELL ONLY10 Deadlifts10 Front Squats10 Push Jerks StrengthDL + FS + PJ 3+3+3 EMOM x 7min WOD 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Push UpsAir Squats Pull Ups
Warm Up15 Push Ups15 Jump Squats with Bar Touch15 Burpees BARBELL ONLY10 Deadlifts10 Front Squats10 Push Jerks StrengthDL + FS + PJ 3+3+3 EMOM x 7min WOD 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Push UpsAir Squats Pull Ups