CF2680 WOD Wednesday 100118
Do whatever you need to do, just make sure you are sweating before Strength!
Progress through the following ladder as far as possible:
1 Strict Pull-up + 2 Kipping Pull-ups + 3 T2B
2 Strict Pull-ups + 3 Kipping Pull-ups + 4 T2B
3 Strict Pull-ups + 4 Kipping Pull-ups + 5 T2B.....
Sets must be unbroken. Rest 1 minute between sets.
Note: If you do not yet have these movements, take the time to practice developing these skills!
EMOM 15: 1 – 10 Burpee to target (2 x 25kg plates) 2 – 16 Double KB Front Rack Walking Lunges 20/12 3 – 10 Ring Rows + 20 Double Unders